Monday, June 16, 2014

Two Weeks to Go!

Day 24—Saturday, June 7
Ice cream,
We love that day!
We made a treasure map!
Flight booked, light at the end of the
Adoption Journey Limericks

Matthew made treasure maps,
Around the house we did laps.
Omelets for lunch,
Then on ice cream we did munch.
Still for their next meal their feet tapped!

Day 25
Checked out the Cave Bath today,
I walked over while the kids did play.
Kim stayed with them, and they fed ducks,
The Cave Bath will be about fifty bucks,
Not bad for a family of five all day.

Day 26
The Cave Bath, what a sight!
Pools, toys, fountains everywhere, all right!
The kids played, snacked, played, snacked,
Engagement, attention, and fun were not lacked,
They will sleep good tonight:)

Outside is a waterpark,
Inside a cave, but by no means stark,
Thermal pools and tunnels in the mountainside,
At the Cave Bath from 9-5 we did abide!
The kids did not want to leave before dark.

Day 27
We are tired; today is “recoup” day.
For all day yesterday we did play.
Let's rest, read, nap, watch TV,
just pretty much take is easy.
Ice cream is all we did. Hey!

Day 28
Today we went to Tesco.
You have to pull your weight if you want to go.
We filled two bags and an empty suitcase,
We sweated on the way to the bus, like a race.
Got lots of groceries, though!

Day 29
Fun at the park across town,
Matthew left his water bottle, then frowned
because I rode the bus route with him for an extra hour,
The time and heat made us a little sour,
At the park's bus stop his bottle was found.

Day 30
Pizza Hungaria is where we went for lunch,
There is a trampoline to visit before the munchy munch!
Adam brought us a cake,
Then French toast Vivian helped Anya bake,
Our short time here is beginning to crunch!

Day 31
Omelets for lunch, Ramen noodles for dinner,
One thing's for sure, I haven't gotten thinner!
We played around the house for hours on end,
Went to the park and Face-Timed with family in Destin.
And the watermelon we ate was a winner!

Day 32 (Sunday, June 15)
George visited us and brought toys,
Dolls for the girls, and a car for the boy.
There is a 2nd dish someone won't eat
(tortellini pasta filled with meat),
But sidewalk chalk and ice cream had already filled them with joy.

Today was my first Father's Day,
Pretty neat how it happened this way.
It put sprinkles on my ice cream,
Wouldn't want anything other than this dream,
This is a unique journey, I must say:)

Day 33 (our last Monday in our Miskolc apartment!)
We boarded the bus for the indoor playground.
When we arrived, there was nary a sound.
We got the hours wrong...
This made the morning LONG.
So we found an outdoor park, then headed homeward bound.

Speaking of homeward bound, this is our last full week in Miskolc! Today is June 16, and we will sleep in our own beds in Petal, Mississippi, on June 27:)

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