Sunday, June 1, 2014

Hello June!!

Since our trip to Budapest on Tuesday, we've been finding things around our apartment and neighborhood to do.

They love to play chase around the house, which usually wears us out more than it does them.

Wednesday we found a hotel that will let us swim (for a fee) in their outside pool and hot tub. The weather is still pretty cool here, so the outside pool was too cold, but the hot tub was just right! Wow! Those kids had a blast in that little hot tub and ran off anyone who even thought about getting in. The best part was coming back to the apartment around 1 and everyone taking a nap! It was glorious.

GLORIOUS (adj.) (1) awe-inspiring, majestic, 
(2) characteristic of energetic children sleeping

On Friday, the social workers stopped by to see how things were going. They asked us a few questions about the kids' routines and habits since they have been with us. They were pleased at their progress, just as we are. When they left, we went out to lunch for pizza! Hawaiian seems to be their favorite.

We've made several visits to the park and duck pond in our neighborhood. 

Little Miss Annie Kate got just a little too close. Just as I said, “I don't mind them standing there as long as they don't get wet.” Annie Kate slipped in up to her waist. Vivian freaked out and thought Annie Kate was hurt, but it didn't bother AK a bit. I just took her hand, and we walked home to get her bath early. The other two stayed with Gareth and played with sidewalk chalk for a bit.

Today we decided to hop on the bus and go to Miskolc Plaza. This is a really nice mall with a movie theater inside. The kids have never been to the theater, so we went to see Rio 2 in 3D. They LOVED it.

Popcorn, drinks, and 3D glasses is a recipe for a good time and that they had. The popcorn was gone before the movie started.

What's the biggest transition we've had to make going from a family of 2 to 5?
Answer seen below:

Using this as a washer

And this as a dryer
It takes all day to wash/dry 2 towels and 1 day's worth of clothes for the family.

We are so excited that it's finally June! I don't want to wish away my summer, but I do want to be in my own space with our family! I can't wait for everyone to meet them and learn their fun personalities. I made a calendar (I'll post a picture of that later) and we are marking off the days until we come to Mish-uh-pip-pee (as Vivian pronounces it). We haven't ordered our tickets home yet because we have one final appointment to schedule in Budapest. The woman we need to meet with was out sick last week so we haven't been able to make that appointment but I'm hoping she's well and that we can finalize it all tomorrow!  

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