Saturday, June 21, 2014

The Final Countdown

Day 34 (June 17)
We ordered langos at the local park.
The three flavors gave our taste buds a spark!
Circular bread fried to a golden brown,
With Nutella or jam or powdered sugar as its crown,
It made us happy as a lark.

Day 35
I bought Lassie for two dollars.
While watching it, the kids did holler.
They fell in love with that dog,
watched it twice like knots on logs,
Lassie! Lassie!” They continuously call her.

Day 36
We spent most of today in Aurora's pool,
Both beautiful—jacuzzi hot and pool cool.
So strong was the chlorine,
It faded our blues, pinks, greens,
Our skin and eyes were under irritation's rule.

Day 37
Today the rain came.
All the social workers and supervisors did the same!
We got pizza, much more than a snack,
Kim and I began to pack,
Seven days until we bring home three kids with our name!

Day 38
One last time at the ice cream shop,
All our Miskolc visits are about to stop!
When the day was spent,
we build a tent,
Tomorrow night excitedly to bed we'll hop!

Today is Saturday, June 21. This weekend is filled with so much anticipation, and a little anxiety. Tomorrow, we are going to the cinema to see How to Train Your Dragon 2. Seeing a movie will occupy our afternoon, as well as serve as a fun distraction from any worries about traveling. This will be our second Hungarian cinema experience. The kids are very excited!

Then it's bag-packing time! Tomorrow night is our final night in our Miskolc apartment. Kim and I have been in this apartment since May 14 (40 days, F-O-R-T-Y). We are ready for a change of scenery!

The kids are also asking tons of questions about our future travels: going to Budapest, staying in a hotel, flying, living in America, etc. Most of this asking entails using the few English words they can use confidently, combined with charades, drawings, and hand motions. I don't want to use the word excited again, but they are very excited:)

Please pray for us as we transition to Budapest, attend our government/embassy appointments to obtain the necessary paperwork, and prepare the kids for some long traveling hours.

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