Thursday, May 29, 2014

Haiku, part deux


The poetry continues...

Day 8
Today is gotcha!
It is OK to be sad,
we'll take care of you!

Just like on Day 1,
They ran around and around,
but they will calm down:)

Day 9
Our routine starts now.
Living like a family,
They went right to sleep!

Day 10
Missing our home, I
cried to Kim for the first time.
We will get through this!

Omelets for lunch time,
then we rode the paddle boats,
finished Aladdin.

Day 11
The kids asked all day
if we could go get ice cream.
We finally went!

Day 12
Need new scenery.
A new playground across town.
This one's a winner!

Day 13
Ride to Budapest.
Please sit down and buckle up!
Applied for visas!

Day 14
Three years seems like yesterday:)
Can't wait for more years <3

We swam in a pool.
Kids were LOUD in the hot tub,
Thanks, Alfa Hotel!

Day 15
Woke up before 6...
Played and got ice cream again!
Now let's watch Ice Age!

The kids are in a great routine now. They are getting up really early (between 5:30-6:15), but they know what to do. Here is what a typical day looks like in the Bonner Apartment in Miskolc, Hungary:

6:00 A.M.--Hear kids' footsteps upstairs and hope it stops.
6:10—Take blankets and pillows, and coffee upstairs because it didn't stop.
6:45—Turn on cartoons and get dressed for the day.
7:15—Go downstairs and eat cereal.
7:45—English learning time!
8:30—Play time (puzzles, coloring, or playing outside)
10:15—Go for a walk or to the park to play.
12:00 P.M. Lunch time
12:30-2:00—Rest/quiet time (Stay inside, nap, watch TV, color, draw, etc.)
2:00—Afternoon English learning time:)
2:45—Go for a walk to the park, the market, or for ice cream
3:30-5:00—Play time outside
5:30—Supper time
6:30—Bath time
7:15—Wind down, movie (girls do hair and/or nails)
8:15—Start going to bed;)
8:35—Kids are asleep (usually all night)
8:40-10:30—Intelligent adult conversation, count receipts, clean, laundry

10:30—Bedtime for parents

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