Saturday, March 16, 2013

Fundraising Update

Dear Friends,

It has been so exciting to see so many of you ordering from Amazon using our Amazon Affiliates link! You have helped us earn $46.26. Please keep ordering through our link,, and share it with your friends and family!

We are preparing for our second home study interview this Monday (March 18). We have just finished typing our autobiographies in preparation for this interview.  We will have not only a joint session, but individual interviews Monday night.

As you may have noticed, we have an updated donation button on upper right side of this page. Donations may now be made through However, you must be a PayPal member to use the button on this page.  Many of you may be members if you frequently order online, but if you are not, it is easy, safe, and free. You can sign up by clicking here !

 We feel so blessed by your support. Please keep us in your prayers!

Hungary Fact of the Day: Hungary is about the size of Indiana.


Sunday, March 3, 2013

Amazon Fundraising

Hi there friends!
So we are doing a whole lot of brainstorming and planning to find different and fun ways to fundraise. One simple way that we have found is by becoming an Amazon Affiliate. Here is how you can EASILY help us with this. A small amount of any purchase you make from Amazon using our Amazon link will be deposited into our account.

Do you ever buy books on Amazon?   


Download music or ebooks?   

Stream movies or TV shows?  


All you have to do is use this link:

Using this link will take you to Amazon using our "code." It will not look any different to you, but a small portion of the total from your purchases will go into our adoption account! 

We cannot see who ordered what but we can see what was ordered.
Thanks to whoever bought Slipstick CB650 Heavy Duty Non-Slip Bed Risers for Under Bed Storage, Chocolate ....we made $0.79! 

That's it!

Please bookmark this site. Add it to your list of favorites and use it every time you shop on Amazon. Please tell your friends and have them use it too! 

Here's an easy way to share. You can copy and paste these into your social media sites as often as you'd like!

Facebook Post:  Help Gareth & Kim ADOPT a child just by using this link when you shop Amazon!  The site won't look any different to you, but it will make a world of difference to their family!  Click. Shop. Help them Adopt!!!

Twitter Tweet:  Help @gbonner1985 & @kbonner528 ADOPT a child just by using this link to shop @amazon! #easiestfundraiserEVER!