Saturday, May 17, 2014

Anya and Apa!

We are beginning our transition and adjusting/bonding phase. Yesterday had lots of frustrating moments. Any time the kids get into a new environment (where they are safe and comfortable, like our apartment), they want to run and explore. The youngest one loves to get any kind of attention (positive or negative), so she will take things she knows are not hers and run with it just so we will chase her; she will also put anything in her mouth (to swallow OR spit---these items include, but are not limited to Play-Doh, stickers, things off the floor, etc.). We are pretty sure most of this is an act and will heal with time. They all three can be very loving; the older two are easily engaged in whatever activities we want them to participate in.

Yesterday we went to a park (5 minute walk from our apartment) and played there for about an hour. Adam (translator) ordered us a pizza and we ate it at the apartment. Those were great times of bonding; it is down time in the apartment that makes people antsy.


So last night after much prayer, we decided to utilize a different defensive strategy---the ole zone box with one chaser (basketball). So one of us stays with the older two while the other follows the youngest around and makes sure she does not hurt herself (or adjust the stove, the heater, the water, or the overly-accessible controls to the gas hot water heater). 

Today was better. We (with Adam) picked them up and went to an indoor play-place today (tunnels, slides, balls, etc.) and had a great time. All three kids were well-behaved, and didn't even resist when it was time to go. We had lunch at McDonald's (yep), and they were great there too. They ate their food and stayed seated in the booth, and even got to play in the play place afterwards. 

Riding for any distance is frustrating to the little one because she has to use a booster seat (plus she is not used to riding much). And she just doesn't like sitting still. But the more she does it, the better it will get.

Adam took our training wheels off a little today when he left us at the apartment with the kids for two hours (I know, parents, two hours doesn't sound like much.....unless they don't speak English!). It was pretty good for the most part, better than yesterday.

Putting our zone/chaser defense to action, nobody died.

Gareth carried little sister on his shoulders up and down the stairs for close to an hour while singing “Itsy Bitsy Spider.” She has the first verse down (the noises anyway). But hey, whatever works. The older two played with Play-Doh, colored, and watched cartoons. It was raining today, so we couldn't go for a walk or to the park—maybe tomorrow. Within 30 minutes of being at the apartment, little sister found an old bath tub in the back yard filled with stagnant water, mud and leaves. While Gareth was walking toward her, yep, she jumped in.

She had no pants for the rest of the day.

But today WAS better. All three kids have begun to say “anya” and “apa” (mom and dad) to us, which is really special. The boy has also learned “thank you,” “you're welcome,” “mom,” “dad,” and “Mississippi.” Sometimes dad is “dag” and Mississippi is “Mish-uh-ship-pi,” but hey, we're learning.

We hope tomorrow will be even better!

Tomorrow we will spend most of the day at the apartment. We hope it will be sunny so we can go for a walk and go back to the park.

We praise God for a better day today and for what He will continue to do in our family. Our prayer requests right now are continued bonding and trust (especially with little sister), their moving in with us next weekend, and their detachment from their foster parents (that will be really hard and confusing for them).

Thanks for your prayers and concern!

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