Tuesday, July 1, 2014

First Days at Home

We're here!
We finally made it!
After a LONG 27+ hours of traveling home, we arrived!
And we were welcomed by the best family you could ask for!

Pictures with the grands! (kids were not completely awake yet)
Gareth's mom and dad

 Kim's mom and dad

The kids were wonderful on the planes. They loved flying and were not afraid at all! For the most part, they stayed occupied and in their seats. On the last flight, they slept the whole way. We were so thankful! Matthew had to sit in front of the rest of our family, next to a man he didn't know. Matthew kept leaning over to the right to sleep, hanging his head out into the aisle. Thankfully the man offered to swap seats with him so he wouldn't get a beverage cart concussion. We drove up to our house around 11:45 p.m. Needless to say, they were excited! We let them have a good look around and then said, “Sleep, Good Morning, Play!” They went to sleep pretty quickly but were up again at 5:45 a.m. There was no containing the excitement then. Since then, we've been busy exploring the inside and outside of the house. They love to be outside but they keep saying, “Mom, Dad, Mississippi, HOT!” (And it's true. Today's high is 99.). On Sunday they found their bikes in the shed, so we've been riding those a lot! They are drenched in sweat but riding with smiles on their faces! We have a small hill near our house that is just too fun to stay away from.

We went to get haircuts on Monday! The girls were very nervous about it and did not want to cut their hair. They thought we would cut it all off but really you can't even tell it's been cut. They got a small trim. It was a good first experience and I think they'll be open to doing it again next time.
Intense concentration :)

 Matthew was a champ and was ready for his shaggy 'do' to be shorter! He did great!

Our sleep schedule is still off, but it's getting better each day. The kids have been amazed by things like the dryer, our piano, the A/C that keeps us cool at night, and their pillow pets. On the first day here, they took the neighbors' mail so we had to take it back and show them our mailbox. Everything is a learning experience :)

We've been so blessed with family, neighbors, and friends who looked after our house while we were gone. They've mowed our grass, hung up curtains, cranked our cars to keep them running, checked the mail, and grocery shopped for us before we got home! We couldn't do this without you, and we want you to know how thankful we are to have you as a part of this adoption story. This journey isn't over now that we are home. It is just starting. It hasn't been completely easy being home. Everything is still new, and they are now in an environment that's completely in English. They've acted out, had tantrums, and been in time-outs. But with each day that passes, we check some to-do's off the list, introduce the kids to one of our friends or family; and the kids get a little more adjusted and settled. We're still following them around a lot, but we're calming down some! 

We ask that you pray for us to respond in a loving way as their parents. We need great wisdom, as all parents do, in being the mom and dad these children need.   Thank you! 

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